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82 Fundraising and Social Media Stats for NFP's

Source: NP Tech for Good

Fundraising Stats

· The average online gift in 2018 was $96.40 USD (Blackbaud Luminate Online Report).

· 8.5% of overall fundraising in 2018 came from online giving (Charitable Giving Report).

· 54% of donors worldwide prefer to give via credit or debit card. 11% via direct mail/post. 10% via bank/wire transfer. 9% via PayPal. 4% via mobile app/wallet. 1% via text message (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· The number of new donors giving to charity declined by 7.3% in 2018. The number of new retained donors dropped 14.9% (Fundraising Effectiveness Project).

· The typical return donor made a second donation around 349 days after their first donation. However, 19% of donors return within the first 90 days (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

· 29% of annual donation volume occurs from #GivingTuesday through the end of the year (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

· 53% of nonprofit staff who are extremely or somewhat satisfied in their current roles donate to the organization where they work (World-Changing Work Report).

· In 2018, Americans gave $427.7 billion USD to charity. 77% of the total was made by individuals, 18% by foundations, and 5% by corporations (Giving USA Report).

· Individual giving Decreased from 70% in 2017 to 68% in 2018. Religious organizations (-3.9%) and educational organizations (-3.7%) experienced the largest drop in giving (Giving USA Report).

· 92% of donors say it is important that NGOs, nonprofits, and charities make a concerted effort to protect their contact and financial information from data breaches (Global Trends in Giving Report).

International Giving

· 31% of donors worldwide giving to NGOs, nonprofits, and charities located outside of their country of residence (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· Donating money has increased in 2017 among those donors from developed nations (from 40% in 2016 to 42%), but has declined among developing countries (from 25% in 2016 to 24%)

· The top countries where individuals give the most often (not necessarily the most money) are (1) Myanmar, (2) The United States, (3) New Zealand, (4) Australia, and ; (5) Ireland (Charities Aid Foundation World Giving Index).

Email Fundraising

· Email messaging drives 13% of all online revenue (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· For every 1,000 fundraising messages delivered via email, nonprofits raise $45 USD (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· Nonprofits sent an average of 59 email messages per subscriber in 2018 (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· Nonprofits lose 20.18% of their email revenue ($92.8 million) due to spam filters (EveryAction).

· 63% of nonprofits worldwide regularly send email updates and fundraising appeals (Global NGO Technology Report).

· 68% of online donors most trust email addresses and websites that use the .org domain (Global Trends in Giving Report).

Recurring Giving

· Monthly giving revenue grew by an average of 18.37% in 2018 (Blackbaud Luminate Online Report).

· Monthly donors give $35.46 per month – or $425 a year (Blackbaud Luminate Online Report).

· Only 14% of organizations prompt one-time donors to upgrade to a recurring gift during the donation process (NextAfter).

· 91% of organizations stopped acknowledging recurring gifts by month three (NextAfter).

· A pop-up asking a one-time donor to upgrade to become a monthly donor results in a 64% increase in monthly donations (NextAfter).

· One-time donors that upgrade to become monthly donors tend to do so around four months after their one-time donation (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

Mobile Giving

· 24% of online donations in 2018 were made via a mobile device (Charitable Giving Report).

· 77% of donors who first donate from a mobile device make their second donation from a mobile device (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

· 15% of nonprofits worldwide regularly send text messages to donors and supporters (Global NGO Technology Report).

· Small nonprofits have an average of 2,284 text message subscribers. Medium have 17,076. Large have 22,299 (Global NGO Technology Report).

· The average text-to-donate gift is $106 (MobileCause).

· 84% text-to-pledge gifts are fulfilled (MobileCause).

Tribute Gifts

· 33% of donors give tribute gifts to family and friends. Donors are most interested in giving tribute gifts as memorials (43%), birthday gifts (25%), and on religious holidays (10%) (Global Trends in Giving Report).

Matching Gifts

· An estimated $2-3 billion USD is donated through matching gift programs annually, however, an additional $4-7 billion USD in matching gift funds goes unclaimed every year (Double the Donation).

· 12% of total corporate cash contributions to nonprofits are made through matching gift programs (Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose).

· 1 in 3 donors indicate they’d give a larger gift if matching is applied to their donation (The Big Give Research Initiative).

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

· 33% of nonprofits worldwide using a peer-to-peer fundraising platform (Global NGO Technology Report).

· 47% of peer-to-peer donors are first-time donors to an organization (Cathexis Partners).

· For every share on social media, a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign raises an average of $13USD (CrowdRise).

· One-time fundraisers raise, on average, $222 USD. $501 USD is raised by return fundraisers (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

· 14% of peer-to-peer fundraisers became fundraisers again for the same organization (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).


· On average, a donor can raise $568 USD through an individual crowdfunding page (DonorPerfect).

· An average donation to a crowdfunding campaign is $66 USD (DonorPerfect).

· Over 50% of people who receive an email about a crowdfunding campaign donate (DonorPerfect).

· The average online gift on #GivingTuesday was $105 USD (Giving Tuesday).

· In 2018, online donors made 29% of their #GivingTuesday gifts via a mobile device (Charitable Giving Report).

· On average, nonprofits gain 4X the number of new donors on #GivingTuesday that they do on a typical day (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

Emerging Trends

· It is estimated that 1% of nonprofits or NGOs now accept Bitcoin (Global NGO Technology Report).

· 66% of donors worldwide would use a mobile app that allows two-tap giving and earns badges and redeemable points. This app does not exist (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· 58% of gamers have donated to charity by buying video games through initiatives like HumbleBundle. 17% have donated while playing (Charities Aid Foundation).

· 19% of donors would give by scanning their smartphone at a digital billboard on public transport or at an airport (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· 9% of donors would use voice-command giving through their home personal assistant or car radio (Global Trends in Giving Report).

Giving by Gender

· 70% of giving circles are majority women. For women, giving is based on empathy for others. For men, giving is often more about self-interest (Women’s Philanthropy Institute).

· 61% of first-time donors are women and 59% of return donors are also women. (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

· The top five causes for women are children and youth (15%), animals and wildlife (13%), health and wellness (10%), human and social services (8%), and hunger and homelessness (8%)  (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· The top five causes for men are children and youth (15%), health and wellness (11%), human and social services (9%), faith and spirituality (8%), and hunger and homelessness (8%) (Global Trends in Giving Report).

Giving by Generation

· Baby Boomers give an average of $1,212 USD annually (NeonCRM). Their top five causes are health and wellness (13%), children and youth (12%), human and social services (10%), animals and wildlife (9%), and faith and spirituality (9%) (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· Gen Xers give an average of $732 USD annually (NeonCRM). Their top five causes are children and youth (17%), animals and wildlife (11%), health and wellness (10%), human and social services (8%), and hunger and homelessness (7%) (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· Millennials give an average of $481 USD annually (NeonCRM). Their top five causes are children and youth (16%), animals and wildlife (13%), health and wellness (9%), hunger and homelessness (8%), and education (7%) (Global Trends in Giving Report).

Giving and Volunteerism

· 67% of donors volunteer locally, 72% sign online petitions, and 56% attend fundraising events (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· 85% of volunteers donate to the nonprofits that they volunteer for (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· The estimated value of a volunteer work hour is $25.43 USD (Independent Sector).

Social Media Stats

· 29% of online donors say that social media is the communication tool that most inspires them to give [email 27%, website, 18%, print, 12%, TV ad 6%] (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· 87% of donors who first donate from a social referral source make their second donation from a social referral source (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

· For every 1,000 email addresses, nonprofits had an average of 806 Facebook fans, 286 Twitter followers, and 101 Instagram followers

· 71% of nonprofits worldwide agree that social media is effective for online fundraising (Global NGO Technology Report).

· 34% of nonprofits worldwide have paid for social ads (Global NGO Technology Report).

· On average, nonprofits spend $67 USD on social media ads to acquire a donor (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· Social Media drives 57% of traffic to fundraising campaign pages (Classy).


· For every $100 in online revenue, $1.77 is raised through Facebook Charitable Giving Tools (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· 88% of donors who have given through Facebook Charitable Giving Tools say they are likely to do it again in the future (Global Trends in Giving Report).

· 93% of NGOs worldwide have a Facebook Page. 25% post once daily on Facebook, 23% post once every other day, 19% post once weekly, 18% post twice or more daily, and 15% post less than once weekly (Global NGO Technology Report).

· Small nonprofits have an average if 8,722 Facebook Followers. Medium have 32,092. Large have 109,158 (Global NGO Technology Report).

· Facebook posts only reach an average of 4% of a nonprofit page’s fans (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· The Engagement Score (engaged users divided by total page fans) for an average Facebook post is 0.31%. Video posts have the highest Engagement Score at 0.33% (M+R Benchmarks Report).

· 41% of NGOs have used Facebook to report live from a special event or to showcase their organization’s work (Global NGO Technology Report).


· 17% of nonprofits worldwide have participated in or hosted a Tweet Chat (Global NGO Technology Report).

· 77% of nonprofits worldwide have a Twitter Profile. 24% tweet two to five tweets daily, 21% less than one tweet weekly, 18% tweet once daily, 18% tweet one tweet every other day, 12% tweet once weekly, and 7% tweet five or more tweets daily (Global NGO Technology Report).

· Small nonprofits have an average of 4,241 Twitter Followers. Medium have 17,737. Large have 39,496 (Global NGO Technology Report).


· 50% of NGOs worldwide have an Instagram Profile. 30% share less than once weekly, 24% share once weekly, 21% share once every other day, 17% share once daily, and 8% share twice or more daily (Global NGO Technology Report).

· Small nonprofits have an average of 1,837 Instagram Followers. Medium have 7,675. Large have 19,365 (Global NGO Technology Report).


· 56% of NGO worldwide have a LinkedIn Page. 68% post less than once weekly, 15% post once weekly, 8% post once every other day, 6% post once daily, and 3% post twice or more daily (Global NGO Technology Report).

· Small nonprofits have an average of 785 LinkedIn Followers. Medium have 2,837. Large have 10,107 (Global NGO Technology Report).

Source: NP Tech for Good

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